Salesforce vs Pipedrive - Which CRM Offers Better Mobile App?

May 24, 2022

Salesforce vs Pipedrive - Which CRM Offers Better Mobile App?

When it comes to customer relationship management (CRM) software, having a mobile app is essential. It allows you to manage your business on-the-go and stay in touch with your customers. Salesforce and Pipedrive are two of the most popular CRM software options available, but which one offers the better mobile app? Let’s compare.

User Interface

The user interface (UI) of a mobile app is crucial when it comes to user experience. Both Salesforce and Pipedrive mobile apps have well-designed user interfaces that are easy to navigate. The Salesforce mobile app has a more modern design, with a dashboard that displays important metrics and tasks. Pipedrive, on the other hand, has a more simplistic design, with a list of tasks and activities as the main focus. Overall, the Salesforce mobile app has a more slick and modern feel, while Pipedrive's is more practical.

Winner: Salesforce


In terms of features, Salesforce is a clear winner with over 100 features available on its mobile app - this is far more than Pipedrive. Salesforce allows you to create cases and leads, manage opportunities, log calls, and more, all from the mobile app. Pipedrive's app provides most of the essential features such as email synchronization, deal tracking functionality, and a calendar.

Winner: Salesforce


Both Salesforce and Pipedrive integrate with various tools, allowing you to easily connect your CRM with your other business software. Salesforce has over 1000 available integrations, including popular ones like HubSpot, Dropbox, and Slack. Pipedrive, in comparison, has 150 integrations, including Zapier, Asana, and QuickBooks.

Winner: Salesforce


The price of a CRM mobile app can be a significant factor when it comes to choosing which one to use. Salesforce mobile app pricing varies depending on the plan, starting from $25 per user per month, up to $300 per user per month. Pipedrive mobile app pricing is much simpler, with only one price of $15 per user per month. Keep in mind that additional features and integrations may come with additional fees.

Winner: Pipedrive


When it comes to the Salesforce vs Pipedrive mobile app comparison, it’s clear that Salesforce offers more features, integrations, and a superior user interface. However, Pipedrive is a more cost-effective option, and still provides all of the essential features you need to manage your business. Ultimately, the choice between Salesforce and Pipedrive depends on your business needs and budget, so weigh up the pros and cons before making a decision.


  1. Salesforce Mobile App features:
  2. Pipedrive Mobile App features:
  3. Salesforce Integrations:
  4. Pipedrive Integrations:
  5. Salesforce Pricing:
  6. Pipedrive Pricing:

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